
Fingal Chamber represents the interests of its members and the business community on key statutory and non-statutory bodies.

Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) have a statutory basis set out in law and it is their task, as committees of the council, to advise and assist the council in the formulation, development and review of policy. Fingal Chamber is the only business representative body with membership of Fingal County Council's SPC committees.

Fingal Chamber has membership of the following Strategic Policy Committees:

  • Economic, Enterprise and Tourism Development (represented by Anthony Cooney)

    This SPC has responsibility for:
    • Tourism Strategy and Economic Development

    • Enterprise support functions

    • Preparation of the economic elements of the Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP)

    • Implementation and review of the economic elements of the LECP

    • Local Enterprise Office (LEO)

  • Planning Strategic Transport and Infrastructure Development (represented by David Branagan)

    This SPC has responsibility for:

    • Fingal Development Plan

    • Development of New Strategic Infrastructure

      • Strategic Greenway Infrastructure

      • Strategic Transport Routes

      • Recreational open space

      • Metrolink

    • Building Control and Building Standards

    • Planning and Development Urban Design

    • Conservation

    • Development Contribution Scheme

  • Transport and Infrastructure Management (represented by Sinead Kavanagh)

    This SPC has responsibility for:

    • Sustainable Transport Modes & Cycling Policy

    • Movement & Open Space related Strategy & Bye-Laws

    • Permeability & Retrofitting Pedestrian and Cycling Facilities

    • Public Transport, Road Safety issues and Traffic Management

    • Electric vehicle charging points

    • Car sharing schemes, Park and Ride provision

    • Burial Grounds Strategy & Management Bye-Laws

  • Housing (represented by Anthony Cooney)

    This SPC has responsibility for:

    • Social Housing delivery and supports

    • Homeless Strategy

    • Strategy Estate Management

    • Accommodation Programme for Travelling People Allocations / Transfers

    • Architecture and Design of Social Housing

    • Refurbishment Programme

    • Models of Delivery

  • Marine & Coastal Management (represented by Stephen Kennedy)

    This SPC has responsibility for:

    • Biodiversity Plan (Coastal Aspect)

    • Coastal Erosion

    • Off Shore Wind Farms

    • Harbours Report & Work Plan

    • New Climate Action Plan

    • Coastal Water Sports Facilities


The Fingal Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) is responsible for coordinating, planning and overseeing local development initiatives including the implementation of the Fingal Local Economic & Community Plan (LECP).

  • Fingal Local Community Development Committee (represented by Anthony Cooney)

    The statutory functions of the LCDC include:

    • To be responsible for national funding programmes at a local level, such as the Social Inclusion Community and Activation Programme (SICAP), which provides funding to tackle poverty and social exclusion through local engagement and partnerships between disadvantaged individuals, community organisations and public sector agencies.

    • Facilitate the LEADER element of the Rural Development Programme to support sustainable economic development projects for rural communities ranging from tourism, agri-food and other business activities.

    • Improve the coordination of public-funded local and community development programmes and reduce duplication.

    • The preparation and implementation of the community element and review of economic elements of‌ the Fingal Local Economic & Community Plan (LECP). The purpose of the LECP is to set out, for a six-year period, the objectives and actions needed to promote and support the economic development and the local and community development of the relevant local authority area, both by itself directly and in partnership with other economic and community development stakeholders.


Other non-statutory bodies which Fingal Chamber represents include:

  • Fingal Leader Programme Local Action Group (Siobhán O’Donnell)
  • Fingal Skills Strategy Implementation Group (Feargal Malone)
  • Fingal Tourism Stakeholder Group (Anthony Cooney)
  • Eirgrid Community Forum (David Branagan)
  • Fingal Ukrainian Response Forum (Anthony Cooney)
  • Greater Dublin Chamber Alliance (Anthony Cooney)
  • Chambers Ireland Board (John O’Donoghue)

Businesses who are interested in support or seeking input on any of the above matters or similar may contact the Chamber by phone 01 890 0977 or email