About Fingal Chamber

Fingal Chamber is a business support organisation which connects, champions and empowers the business community to grow the Fingal economy.

Fingal Chamber is a well-connected network powered by businesses across North Dublin. We empower ambitious businesspeople to connect, learn and grow together.

Established in 1994 by a group of business leaders inspired by a shared vision for a vibrant business community, the Chamber has grown into a beacon of economic growth and sustainable development.


Our Purpose

To connect, champion and empower the business community so that, together, we can grow the Fingal economy.

Our Vision

We envision that Fingal will be a thriving, innovative, and sustainable business ecosystem recognised for its economic prosperity, talent, infrastructure and quality of life.

Our Mission

We empower a successful, progressive and influential membership by providing comprehensive advocacy, facilitating valuable connections, and delivering essential resources, thereby driving economic growth and ensuring a high quality of life for the community.


Fingal Chamber acts as a powerful voice which influences change for the better when we represent the interests of members on key statutory and non-statutory bodies.

We curate a lively, year-round programme of events, and make sure businesses can connect in-person and online to expand their networks. We provide members with platforms to increase their strategic reach and enhance their reputations.

We deliver timely, relevant industry updates and business resources to ensure members stay informed to protect and grow their businesses. Our team of technical experts provides specific expertise for firms trading internationally, including the processing of export documentation.

Members gain credibility and ensure their place as positive contributors to the local community.


2023 in Numbers

  • 50+ new members
  • 300 training programmes involving almost 1,000 staff members in across 250 companies
  • 5,000+ certified documents
  • 490 attendees at the Fingal Business Awards


Fingal Chamber is the only Chambers Ireland accredited Chamber in the region. This means we are part of a wider network representing the interests of 8,500 business members.

Fingal Chamber is governed by a voluntary Board of seven people (including the Chairperson/President) The board is comprised of the president, the vice president and the immediate past president together and steered by the Chamber's Business Council. The work of Fingal Chamber is delivered by a full-time team led by the Chief Executive who has overall responsibility for the management of the organisation.

Located in the heart of Fingal at offices in Dublin Airport Central, Fingal Chamber is an independent, not-for-profit organisation funded by voluntary member subscriptions and other service-related revenues.

Fingal Chamber is a company limited by guarantee not having a share capital.